Proven Leadership for a Brighter Future
Don Mason has the energy we need for Zanesville to get back on track to success.
Born and raised in Zanesville, Don graduated from Zanesville High School and Muskingum University and never left.
A natural leader, Don was president of his high school and college class, and served ten years as a City Council member and Mayor.
Don has helped Zanesville before…
- Created North Pointe Industrial Park,
- Bringing new jobs at Kellogg’s, FedEx and Spectrum
- Professionalized the City Building Department
- Speeding construction time for new facilities and new jobs and
- Protecting families from shoddy and deceitful contractors
- Developed the Zane Place Landing and Bike Trail
- Expanded Riverside Park
- Expanded Muskingum Co. Library services to Zanesville
Don can help us again…
Don Mason has new ideas to
Help Parents and Children with more
- Neighborhood parks
- Youth sports activities
- Summer recreation and lunch programs
Protect our Homes and Neighborhoods
- Penalize slumlords
- Strengthen neighborhood Crime Watch efforts
- Crack down on gangs and drug dealers
Improve our Streets and Bridges:
- Open up closed streets
- Improve pothole repairs